Podcast Episodes

Dove Gear & The Ultimate Bird Vest with Terry Koehler

Dove Gear & The Ultimate Bird Vest with Terry Koehler

In this episode we speak with Terry Koehler, owner of Dove Gear (dove-gear.com) and creator of The Ultimate Bird Vest (https://dove-gear.com/products/the-ultimate-bird-vest). In it Terry discusses how his passion for dove hunting drove him to solve many of the...

The most important call in the turkey hunter’s arsenal

The most important call in the turkey hunter’s arsenal

Last year's bounty We've mentioned before in these musings that it's critically important to practice your turkey calls ahead of turkey season. We like to sit at home while watching TV or sitting in the back yard and riff on the ole slate call to get the touch back....

The early hunter gets the tom

The early hunter gets the tom

With turkey season quickly approaching we're getting excited and gearing up for one of our favorite times of the year. As a reminder, at Feed Bandit we talk the basics of successful hunting to help weekend warriors like us get the most out of our budget and our...

Corn Bandit answers some of your mail

Corn Bandit answers some of your mail

In this episode, recorded on March 2nd, Richard rides solo 'cause Jimmy had a daughter on this day, Texas Independence Day! He tackles some of your listener mail answering some of the most common questions we've gotten so far. Don't forget, if you have a question or...

Hunting Controversies – Exotics, good or bad?

Hunting Controversies – Exotics, good or bad?

We talk a lot about hunting the native Whitetail Deer but let's not forget about the other beautiful animals out there that make up a category called exotics. Per TPWD, the term exotic "refers to medium to large sized non-indigenous or non-native mammals and birds...

“Try and keep your feet dry when we’re out humpin’….”

“Try and keep your feet dry when we’re out humpin’….”

"...I want you boys to remember to change your socks wherever we stop. The Mekong will eat a grunt's feet right off his legs..." -Lt. Dan The downtime between hunting seasons is a great opportunity to take a look at your gear and assess if any of it needs replacing as...

Deer ejected for targeting

Deer ejected for targeting

Have you seen this video? Absolutely crazy. Imagine getting blindsided by that deer. Essentially the reverse of what typically happens when we're driving and they get in front of us. Luckily for this guy the deer didn't actually lead with his head or it could have...

Hunting Controversies – Hog doggin’

Hunting Controversies – Hog doggin’

In this episode we continue our series on hunting controversies where we discuss the phenomenon of hog doggin'. A very interesting subject and a type of hunting for hogs we haven't done yet but we tackle the topic head on. What do you think of hog doggin'? Let us...

Creating your own “Hall of Horns”

Creating your own “Hall of Horns”

Ha, I know they're really Whitetail "antlers" and not horns but it seemed to flow a little better. Right now they're just in my garage but someday...someday the goal is display them all, and more, proudly in a man cave or equivalent. For the longest time I kept only...

In preserving small town culture, hunters are key

In preserving small town culture, hunters are key

If you're anything like us you appreciate the nostalgia, rich history and culture of small towns. As you know we're in Texas and small town Texas is a treasure unlike any other. There's a certain aura about them that conjures up feelings of hard work, pride, and salt...

Pasture poodles, deer in transition & Blackbuck antelope

Pasture poodles, deer in transition & Blackbuck antelope

In this episode we discuss Jimmy's successful hunting weekend that just passed recounting the pasture poodle he killed Friday night that almost snuck up on two 8 point bucks, the doe he harvested sitting in a blind in a prolific transition area and not over a feeder,...