In this episode we celebrate this year’s American Secession Day by discussing another possible controversy surrounding “liberating” pigs from the burden of destroying farmer’s crops and people’s property.

But not just that but doing it at night, with night vision or thermal and using the much maligned and “evil” assault rifle.

We’ve heard some rumblings against this practice so we try to get ahead of it in this episode.

The amount of destruction to folk’s property and the economic damage this critters cause is ridiculous and any means necessary to affect their population is OK in our books.

We mention our Bandit Gear page and discuss how it’s growing with innovative products and services with special deals for Bandits.

Check it out:

What do you think about hunting pigs at night with night vision or thermal and with semi-autos? Have you done it or even hunting pigs out of a helicopter?

Please let us know, we’d love to hear from you. Reply or leave us a voicemail here:

If you haven’t listened to the Feed Bandit Podcast yet please do so especially now that we’re moving into the hunting lull of summer. We think you’ll enjoy it!

You can listen to it by searching your favorite podcast app or just go here.


Jimmy & Richard
Feed Bandit
Level Up Your Hunting Game & Gear

P.S. Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail comment or question and we’ll discuss it on a future episode of the Feed Bandit Podcast! Go here and send us a message today!


Stock media provided by Artmuns / Pond5