In this episode Jimmy rides solo and discussed an article he ran across at Realtree about the venison in your freezer and some interesting ideas around that dreaded freezer burn that no doubt we’ve all experienced.

We work too hard doing all the things we need to do to give us the best chance at a successful hunt hoping to enjoy the bounty of our work only to reach into our freezer to find that bounty spoiled.

Luckily there are simple and easy steps to prevent that from happening (namely the Feed Bandit plastic wrap and freezer paper method…)

But just know that if you do happen to find some freezer burn on your meat it’s not necessarily the end of the world.

A little trimming can go a long way towards still being able to enjoy that great free grazed meat.

Take a listen and let us know how you typically protect and store your meat. Do you have a easier and better method for preventing freezer burn than the Feed Bandit method?

Please let us know, we’d love to hear from you.

Email us or leave us a voicemail here:

If you haven’t listened to the Feed Bandit Podcast yet please do so especially now that we’re moving into the hunting lull of summer. We think you’ll enjoy it!

You can listen to it by searching your favorite podcast app or just go here.


Jimmy & Richard
Feed Bandit
Level Up Your Hunting Game & Gear

P.S. Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail comment or question and we’ll discuss it on a future episode of the Feed Bandit Podcast! Go here and send us a message today!

P.P.S. The Realtree article discussed can be found here: Is that Venison Freezer Burned?


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