Are you a gear junkie like us?

We love finding awesome new and innovative hunting gear and services and when we find ’em we’ll always introduce ’em to you.

Introducing Sportsman’s Box, a hunting membership that does just that as well!


When you sign up for a subscription you tell them in detail your hunting interests and they’ll send you a Discovery Box containing gear tailored to your hunting interests on a monthly or quarterly basis.

The boxes are jam packed with gear valued well over the cost of your membership giving you gear to try out in the field year round.

Boxes are also season specific so you’ll be replenished with new gear for the current and upcoming seasons ahead.

You can imagine why it can be like Christmas in every box!

Check out our Sportsman’s Box gear page for more information and to get a special discount offer when you sign up.

Get a subscription for yourself or gift one to a lucky hunter today!

Waitin’ on our next box,

Jimmy & Richard
Feed Bandit
Level Up Your Hunting Game & Gear

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Feed Bandit Podcast (you can find it here) and leave us a voicemail comment or question and we’ll discuss it on a future episode! Go here and send us a message today!