Whitetail Strategies

Interpreting the body language of the whitetail

Interpreting the body language of the whitetail

In this episode we continue our series, Whitetail Strategies, where we learn how to interpret the body language of deer to make ourselves better hunters. We also learn about the Texas secession convention of 1861. Enjoy! Stock media provided by Artmuns / Pond5

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Blessed to be back in the Big Country

Blessed to be back in the Big Country

Corn Bandit continues his recap of his recent hunting trip. In this part 2, he talks about heading back to hunt the Big Country and his harvesting of an ancient buck. He also learns a lesson on the drop on his bullet over a long shot. Enjoy! Stock media provided by...

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The deer crime of 1943

The deer crime of 1943

In this episode we discuss a little Texas history as well as a hunting "crime" that occurred in Wisconsin back in the day that is a warning for us hunters not to tip the balance of nature in any one direction as it will cause severe repercussions and unintended...

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Using scent to your advantage, a key whitetail strategy

Using scent to your advantage, a key whitetail strategy

In this episode we continue our review of the book, Whitetail Strategies, talking about the importance of paying close attention to your scent and using the deer's scents to your advantage. We also learn about the Bexar Remonstrances and the Annexation of Texas to the...

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Best time to shoot older bucks and the bad shot blues

Best time to shoot older bucks and the bad shot blues

In this episode Corn Bandit talks about shooting older bucks at the end of the season and discusses what would be the best time to take a few each year. He also recounts his bummer of a story losing a management buck to the high grass even when you do everything right...

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Bloodiest Thanksgiving at Rancho Bandido, a promised recap

Bloodiest Thanksgiving at Rancho Bandido, a promised recap

Corn Bandit delivers his promised recap of the very successful hunting they experienced over the Thanksgiving break at Rancho Bandido. He discusses the interesting behavior of the deer on the high fenced MLDP property and tracking a fatally wounded doe. Enjoy! Stock...

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All about deer scrapes, rubs and the Fredonian Rebellion

All about deer scrapes, rubs and the Fredonian Rebellion

In this episode we continue our review of the book, Whitetail Strategies, and of Chapter 8, The Real Dirt on Scrapes and Rubs. I learned a lot going through this chapter and now have some extra skils to use out in the field and I'm sure you will too. Also, did you...

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