Feed Bandit Podcast

Join us as we talk all things hunting, the outdoors, Texas history and how we can ensure Texas remains the greatest country in the world. Preserve the Tradition. Protect the Legacy.


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Supplemental Water for Wildlife

Supplemental Water for Wildlife

Water...one of the few absolute necessities in every animal's life. They have to have it, whether you're a deer or a bird. Water is the key to life. A lot of hunters get caught up in supplemental feeding such as feeding deer protein pellets, cottonseed and other...

Bring on the dove!

Bring on the dove!

In this episode we talk about dove season. It's finally here! Listen in and get pumped for an amazing season to come. Don't miss our blog Dove Hunting Tips for the Beginner if you are new to dove hunting or just want a quick refresh. Good luck! Good luck! Stock media...

Hunting Controversies – High Fencing

Hunting Controversies – High Fencing

In this episode we tackle another in our series of Hunting Controversies, and that is the debate around High Fencing, or Game Fences. Good, bad or indifferent there seems to be no shortage of opinions around this issue. Being from Texas we are very used to seeing them...

Coastal crabbing, public hunting draws & a snake bite

Coastal crabbing, public hunting draws & a snake bite

In this episode we talk about a favorite summer past time and that is crabbing on the coast. We also detail all the Texas public hunts that Richard enters into every year and then end with a cautionary tale of one of our friends getting bitten by a rattler. Watch out!...

Hunting Controversies – Baiting

Hunting Controversies – Baiting

In this episode we start a new series, Hunting Controversies, where we aim to challenge your beliefs, common wisdom and dispel some misconceived notions. In this first episode we discuss the controversial topic of baiting. Have a listen and let us know what you think....

Corn Bandit’s Venison Meatloaf

Corn Bandit’s Venison Meatloaf

Meatloaf. It's as American as apple pie. Kids seem to dread it while adults fall back on it as a comfort food. Either way, be it yay or nay, meatloaf is here to stay! We are often asked by our followers for new venison cooking ideas. Our standard answer is whatever...

Inside our gear bags – Our gear Bags!

Inside our gear bags – Our gear Bags!

In this episode we dive back into our our gear bags and talk about, well, our gear bags! If you're going to be taking any gear with you out into the woods you'll want to be sure to shop for and get the bag that will give you the most utility and we discuss what we...

A relaxing break from hunting – Fly Fishing

A relaxing break from hunting – Fly Fishing

In this episode Corn Bandit flies solo and talks about fly fishing and how it can be a relaxing activity during the summer while waiting for the start of the next hunting season. Enjoy. Stock media provided by Artmuns / Pond5

Bison Coolers with Jeremy Denson

Bison Coolers with Jeremy Denson

Get 10% off your purchase at Bison Coolers with the discount code feedbandit through August 31, 2019! In this episode we enjoyed speaking with Jeremy Denson, the co-owner of Bison Coolers (https://www.bisoncoolers.com/). We had a very interesting conversation about...

The Hunter Sight with Bryce Stone

The Hunter Sight with Bryce Stone

Be sure to check out The Hunter Sight Store at https://www.thehuntersightstore.com/ where listeners can get 10% off any purchase through July 23, 2019 with code THS10! In this episode we speak with Bryce Stone, founder and creator of The Hunter Sight...

Kick it before you pick it & fish habitats

Kick it before you pick it & fish habitats

In this episode we discuss a potpourri of topics including rattle bugs, fish habitats, fishing with your children and even memories from Indian Guides. It's a fun one so enjoy! Can you spot the rattler? Always look down! Taking advantage of a drought can pay off big...

Inside our gear bags – Optics

Inside our gear bags – Optics

In this episode we start a new series in which we discuss the different gear we carry on us, in our gear bag or use out in the field. We talk about why it is important and give a few tips and tricks along the way. In this inaugural episode we discuss the importance of...