Feed Bandit Podcast
Join us as we talk all things hunting, the outdoors, Texas history and how we can ensure Texas remains the greatest country in the world. Preserve the Tradition. Protect the Legacy.
All Episodes
Learning a bit about Waterfowl
In this episode Corn Bandit comments on an article he found about Waterfowl and learns some interesting new stuff that could help us all out in the field. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/VNBWZX-kNVM Stock media provided by Artmuns / Pond5
Deer Blocks…Fact or Fiction?
I'll be the first to admit, I am a sucker for hunting gimmicks. I love em! Deer blocks fell into this class and I've bought enough in my time to build a grand pyramid of compressed deer goodness to rival similar structures in Egypt. I always just assumed that if the...
The best blind on the market, bar none
As you know we've been harping on how now is the time to get out and do the work needed to prepare for the coming fall season and we imagine for some of you that means re-vamping your blinds. They've been sitting out there getting hammered throughout the up and down...
Is that venison freezer burned?
In this episode Jimmy rides solo and discussed an article he ran across at Realtree about the venison in your freezer and some interesting ideas around that dreaded freezer burn that no doubt we've all experienced. We work too hard doing all the things we need to do...
Hunting Controversies: Nighttime pig hunting with night vision & the dreaded “assault rifle”
In this episode we celebrate this year's American Secession Day by discussing another possible controversy surrounding "liberating" pigs from the burden of destroying farmer's crops and people's property. But not just that but doing it at night, with night vision or...
How to keep your Quail Safe and plentiful
Quail at Rancho Bandido-West out in west Texas, a quail mecca, seemed to be all but gone not 15 years ago. You see, the family has been hunting quail out there on that same plot of land for darn near 100 years. So when we started noticing the decline in the quail...
Hunting Controversies: Deer’s favorite protein
In this episode of the Feed Bandit Podcast we discuss a debate/question/controversy that's centered around what is the best deer protein on the market. Since we're not wildlife biologists or anything fancy like that we decided we'd focus on the issue from a slightly...
Campfire Stories: Last Shell In The Rifle
In this episode of the Feed Bandit Podcast we continued our series, Campfire Stories, where we read and comment on a story called, "Last Shell In The Rifle", about a Polar Bear hunt in times past. It's a little off the beaten path for the podcast since we haven't...
Opening my first Sportsman’s Box
So during our podcast with Adam from Sportsman's Box, ole Corn Bandit gave me hell for not yet having my own subscription. You see he's had one of his own for well over a year and has long been a satisfied customer. Heck, I've even benefited from his membership...
Your ranch summer to-do list
In this episode of the Feed Bandit Podcast we talk about what should be on our ranch to-do list now that the heat is here and it's only going to get hotter and stick around for a while. With no major hunting season going on (hogs beware!) we turn our sights to ranch...
Taking out a young hunter for the first time
I was talking with my son, Jeb, the other day about taking him deer hunting with me this fall. He’s only 3 now but I’ve been pointing out the deer mounts on our walls for some time now and now he finally refers to them as deer instead of dinosaurs so I think he’s...
Sportsman’s Box: Your Success in the Field and Stream is our Obsession
In this episode the guys have Adam Whitehead, owner of Sportsman's Box, back on the podcast to catch up and talk about what's new at his company. They've done a lot of amazing things over the last year improving the value even more in their Discovery Boxes with...