Feed Bandit Podcast

Join us as we talk all things hunting, the outdoors, Texas history and how we can ensure Texas remains the greatest country in the world. Preserve the Tradition. Protect the Legacy.


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Good birds and an even tougher doe

Good birds and an even tougher doe

In this episode Corn Bandit revels in his redeeming dove hunt and we speak to our good buddy Rich about his Saturday doe that ended up being one of the toughest doe we've encountered. You'll have to tune in to find out why. Would you have done anything different than...

Opening Weekend 2019

Opening Weekend 2019

In this episode Corn Bandit rides solo and discusses some tips and tricks for opening weekend of rifle season. We wish everyone a great deer season!

Deer behavior, barometric pressure, the moon & more

Deer behavior, barometric pressure, the moon & more

In this episode we discuss some ideas that you might should consider this season to help you out deer hunting. We walk through an article that talks about how weather affects deer behavior (keying in on barometric pressure), what to look out for with deer scrapes, how...

Heart: Perhaps the most underrated yet most tasty cut

Heart: Perhaps the most underrated yet most tasty cut

How to cookIn the past when my friends and I were cleaning our deer we had always discarded the organs along with the carcass but I asked myself, why aren't we eating some of this? So after searching for some recipies and seeing testimonials about the deer heart I...

A doe refresher course

A doe refresher course

In this episode we discuss hunting does and discuss what to look out for and our method of population management. It's a great refresher course as we prepare for rifle season down at Rancho Bandido so listen along and please let us know what you think. We know people...

Orange Corn Company with Michael Haby

Orange Corn Company with Michael Haby

In this episode we speak with Michael Haby, the founder and owner of Orange Corn Company (www.orangecorncompany.com). Michael had been hunting for years in an orange grove when one day the light bulb went off as he was watching a deer devour an orange he had discarded...

Much better dove and teal hunts help when your team is bad

Much better dove and teal hunts help when your team is bad

In this episode we discuss the disappointing college football season for our team so far but luckily it has been easier to accept due to the much better dove and teal hunting. How's your bird season been going so far? Let us know by dropping us an email to...

Less young deer hunters, a crisis in the making?

Less young deer hunters, a crisis in the making?

In this episode we discuss a recent article over at Realtree.com called "7 Reasons Why Kids Aren’t Deer Hunting". It was eye opening as to the decline in new hunters in general over the past 10 years or so but especially so about the lack of new young hunters joining...

Where are the dove?

Where are the dove?

In this episode we discuss the slow dove season we've had so far and try to figure out why the birds just haven't been there (could it have all been due to that "cold" front that came through?) How's your season going so far? Have you had success or has it been slow...

Quail Safe with Ron Kendall, Jr.

Quail Safe with Ron Kendall, Jr.

In this episode we talk all things quail with Ron Kendall, Jr., the president and founder of Quail Safe. The Quail Safe™ feeder has been deployed in the field for 6 years with proven results. From conception their units were designed to target quail in the safest and...

Mule Deer Foundation with Charlie Stockstill

Mule Deer Foundation with Charlie Stockstill

In this episode we had a great time and learned a lot about mule deer with Charlie Stockstill, Regional Director of the Mule Deer Foundation. You can find the foundation at https://muledeer.org/. https://muledeer.org/ The purpose of the Mule Deer Foundation is to...

Supplemental Water for Wildlife

Supplemental Water for Wildlife

Water...one of the few absolute necessities in every animal's life. They have to have it, whether you're a deer or a bird. Water is the key to life. A lot of hunters get caught up in supplemental feeding such as feeding deer protein pellets, cottonseed and other...